ISSN : 1738-4125(Print)
ISSN : 2287-7509(Online)
Journal of Odor and Indoor Environment Vol.1 No.1 pp.1-11
지속가능한 실내공기질 관리방안‡
김 윤 신*
한양대학교 의과대학 산업의학과 / 환경 및 산업의학연구소
Sustainable Development of Indoor Air Quality Management
Dept. of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, College of Medicine /
Institute of Environmental and Industrial Medicine, Hanyang University
Received 28 July 2004, accepted 7 October 2004
There has recently become one of the major concern expressed the general public and regulation agenciesconcerning health risks associated with indoor air pollution in Korea. A new indoor air quality program under"Legislation of Indoor Air Quality Management for Public Facilities" is enforced to act on the end of May, 2004by the Korea Ministry of Environment. The purposes of this article were to discuss the sustainabledevelopment of indoor air pollution and to strengthen the importance of the sustainability of indoor air quality.Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising theability future generations to meet their own needs and a new theory that grew out of the conservation /environmental movement of the 1970's. While the conservation/environmental movement asked questionsabout preserving the Earth's resources, sustainable development includes questions about how humandecisions affect the Earth's environment. Sustainable development of environmental pollution has beendiscussed over the last 20 year in most countries, but an important health problems of indoor air pollutionbecame a social issues in recent years. We must develop global perspectives and maintain effective balancebetween available resources and human needs. The further understanding of the sustainable development ofindoor air pollution is extremely useful in defining the components of healthful indoor air in major indoorenvironments. Additional information concerning more detailed housing characteristics, daily activity patterns,and seasonal factors which may influence indoor pollutants should provide important information onsustainable development in indoor air pollution.