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ISSN : 1738-4125(Print)
ISSN : 2287-7509(Online)
Journal of Odor and Indoor Environment Vol.6 No.4 pp.275-284

영상의학과 촬영실에서의 세균 오염도 측정에 관한 연구

동경래1,2), 노상호3), 권대철4), 류영환5,6), 동차분7), 유은영8), 조영국9)*
1)광주보건대학 방사선과, 2)조선대학교 원자력공학과, 3)조선대학교병원 영상의학과
4)신흥대학 방사선과, 5)서울의료원 영상의학과, 6)한서대학교 방사선학과
7)보바스기념병원 간호부, 8)광주보건대학 보건행정과, 9)서강정보대학 임상병리과

A Study Regarding Measurements of Bacterial Contamination Levels in Radiology Room within the Department of Radiological Technology

Young Kuk Cho9)*, Kyung Rae Dong1,2), Sang Ho Ro3), Dae Cheol Kweon4), Young Hwan Ryu5,6), Cha Bun Dong7), Eun Yeong Yu8)
9)Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, Seokang University
1)Department of Radiological Technology, Gwangju Health College University, 2)Department of Nuclear
Engineering, Chosun University, 3)Department of Radiology, Chosun University Hospital
4)Department of Radiologic Science, Shin Heung College University, 5)Diagnostic Radiology, Seoul Medical Center,
6)Department of Radiological Science, Hanseo University, 7)Bobath Memorial Hospital
8)Department of Health Policy and Administration, Gwangju Health College University


Since equipment currently being used in the department of radiological technology in hospitals comes intocontact with patients carrying diseases, there inevitably will be the existence of pathogenic bacteria.Therefore, in order to increase the importance of using disinfectant in hospital infection precaution and therecognition of hospital infection management, comparisons were made by measuring the bacterialcontamination levels in radiology room within the department of radiological technology and comparing themeasurements with post disinfection levels. Disinfecting the rooms from detected bacteria was conductedwith water, tissue cleaner, or 70% alcohol. When measuring bacterial contamination levels in radiologyrooms, a variety of bacteria was detected. When disinfecting the interior of radiology rooms theeffectiveness of destroying bacteria and preventing hospital infection was greatest when using 70% alcoholcompared to water, tissue cleaner and ventilation. Therefore, there needs to be a development of a betterantiseptic for destroying bacteria because there is a possibility for hospital medical equipment to beconstantly contaminated. Efforts need to be made to prevent hospital infections and patient secondaryinfection by disinfecting and sterilizing equipment.

