Instruction for Authors
1. Aim of Submission Guideline
Submission guideline for the Journal of Odor and Indoor Environment (JOIE) is established to facilitate the submission of articles for the journal publication.
2. Types of Manuscripts
Seven types of manuscripts pertaining to Odor and Indoor Environmental issues are published in the JOIE : (1) Research Paper, (2) Review Paper, (3) Technical Note, (4) Technical Information, (5) Field Report, (6) Special Feature, (7) Discussion.
1) Research Paper: In full-length research articles, authors should describe new experimental data or theoretical analysis with significant importance in odor research.
2) Review Paper: The review paper should include a summary of current status of odor research associated with experimental methods, odor phenomena, etc or issues covering a new perspective to the advancement of odor control and management.
3) Technical Note: This note should cover topics which may be simpler in structure or of more limited interest.
4) Technical Information: A report should be made to includes relevant analytical or treatment information. It should be published as technical information.
5) Field Report: Field report should describe subjects covering field research, facility design, management, and related ones in the field of odor research.
6) Special Issue: Special issues will be published by invitation only and should cover special topics determined by JOIE editorial board.
7) Discussion: Opinion and comments regarding the contents of articles published in the JOIE within two years period can be published as discussion, comments, and reply paper.
3. Qualification of Contributor and Ethics
Submission is basically allowed for the members of the Korean Society of Odor Research and Engineering and the Korean Society for Indoor Environment. However, submission can also be allowed for non-members, if the articles are prepared as the results of collaborative research with the member. In addition, there are no restrictions for the qualification of contributor, if the article is prepared for special feature or field report.
For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instruction, international standards for editors and authors can be applied. ( standards-editors-and-authors)
4. Peer Review
Double-blind peer review: reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers. There are at least two or more reviewers for the total number of articles in each issue. Final decision is made by the editorial board members.
5. Words and Page of Manuscript
1) Abstract and at least five key words for the subject index need to be provided. Articles written in Korean should use Korean in principle but can use English and/or Chinese together for some complicated wordings such as name, locale, and journal title. Scientific terminology and name of material should be written in Korean first with the relevant English or Chinese word.
2) Manuscript must be written using a word processing software such as HWP and MS-Word in A4 size (210 × 297 mm) paper with double space. There is no limit to the length of manuscript, but authors are asked to make their manuscript as simple as possible.
6. Format of Manuscript
1) In the cover page of article, title, author name, and affiliation should be written both in Korean and English. For authors with different affiliation, distinctions can be made with superscripted numbers.
2) Articles should comprise its content in the following order: English Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion), Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, and Figures.
3) Abstract in English should show the purpose and output of study clearly and be distinguished from the main text.
4) Expression of chapters and sections should be made numerically as follows. (Example) 1, 2, 3, ……, 1.1, 1.2, ……, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ……,
5) Wordings in the text should be used by the scholarly terminology. Proper noun should be used as it is. In addition, unit system should be based on SI system, although it can be used in CGS for the common expressions like mg/L.
7. Tables and Figures
1) For all articles, all Tables and Figures should be written in English.
2) Table and Figure titles should start with Capital letter, and Figure titles end with a period.
(Example) Fig. 2. Delivery system and sampling locations.
(Example) Table 3. Effects of temperature on the VOC removal efficiency
3) Figures and Tables should be written in English in principle. However, if English expression cannot be made, a use of Korean is allowed if necessary.
8. References
1) Reference section should be written in English. In the main text, reference should be cited by name and year in the parenthesis. If two or more references are cited, they should be divided by semicolon.
2) Journal article
(Example 1) Fuquay, J. J., Simpson, C. L., Barad, M. L., Taylor, J. H., 1963. Results of recent field program in atmospheric
diffusion. Journal of Applied Meteorology 2, 122-128.
(Example 2) Johnson, H. F., Field, R., Tassler, M. E., 1988. Gas absorption and aerosol collection in a venturi atomizer.
Atmospheric Environment 46(8), 72-78.
3) Conference proceeding
Daughtrey, H. E., Williams, D. F., aMurphy, N. T., 1998. Comparison of methods for monitoring dry deposition pollutans, in Proceedings of the 1988 U. S. EPA and AWMA International Symposium on Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants, VIP-10, U. S. EPA, Pittsburgh, pp. 170-175.
4) Book or book chapter
(Example 1) Devinny, J. S., Deshusses, M. A., Webster, T. S., 1999. Biofiltration for air pollution control, Lewis Publishers,
New York, 23-40.
(Example 2) Korea Environment Corporation (KECO), 2011. Odor technology diagnostic casebook, 300-302.
(Example 3) Choi, F. A., Kim, S. R., 1999. Urban air pollution modeling, in Dispersion Model. Edited by Park, H. M.,
Academic Press, New York, 1146-1171.
(Example 4) Daughtrey, H. E., Williams, D. F., Murphy, N. T., 1998. Comparison of methods for monitoring dry deposition
pollutants, in Proceedings of the 1988 U.S.EPA International Symposium on Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants,
VIP-10, U.S. EPA, Pittsburgh, 170-175.
5) Korean journal article with English abstract
(Example) Lee, M. H., Kim, K. H., Kim, Y. H., Jo, S. H., 2012. Emission characteristics of odor from salted food materials
using Spam. Analytical Science and Technology 25(6), 447-459. (in Korean with English abstract)
6) Electronic materials
(Example) Morse, S. S., 1995. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerging Infectious Diseases [cited 1996
Jun 5]; Available from: URL:
9. Submission of Manuscripts
1) Basically, submission of all articles should be made electronically (website: Review fee should be paid upon submission (see the 12th code of this guideline: Review Fee and Publication Fee). Inquiries concerning submission and related issues can be sent to editorial managers. (either the Korean Society of Odor Research and Engineering, #606, 202, Mallijae-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea [Tel: +82-0502-700-0702, Fax: +82-0502-700-0703, E-mail:] or the Korean Society for Indoor Environment, #330, 12, Teheran-ro 63-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 135-876, Korea [Tel: +82-2-2294-1510, Fax: +82-2-2294-0160, E-mail:])
2) Submission date is assigned upon reception and the date of accept is determined as the completion date of editorial review.
3) The author check list and the copyright transfer form should be filed along with the manuscript submission through the website(website :
10. Refusal of Submission
If the content of the article is not dealing the scope of the journal, its publication can be refused. If the physical content of article is not ready for publication, it can also be returned to the author for refinement.
11. Correction
Correction of the accepted article is allowed once for the initial galley, and further correction is not allowed.
12. Review Fee and Publication Fee
Review fee is 80,000 Korean won, and publication fee for the accepted paper is 10,000 won for each published paper. However, for the ones exceeding 8 page, fee is 20,000 won for each additional page.
13. Authors' Responsibility and Copyright
1) Authors are primarily responsible for their articles published in this journal.
2) The copyright to the article is transferred to KOSORE and KOSIE when the article is accepted for publication. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive right to produce and distribute the article.
14. Publication Schedule
The Journal is published quarterly on the last days of March, June, September, and December each year.